Friday, June 15, 2007

To flag day!

Two years ago it was flag day like any other day of the week, except that we were made to get up at 6:00 am to go look at the flag-raising ceremony at the church! She says that she had made us do this lots, but I don't remember to many other times that she did this!
So we went and come home so that mom could go to her doctors appointment for the baby....
We had no idea what would commence that day!
Yes. This is the day that my baby brother Thayne would join the clan!
Yes we love him, even if he is ornery and his name Thayne first couple of months
rhymes with pain.
Here comes the year of 2!
My friend Julian says that Thayne looked like 'Mini Me' when he was a baby........
No further comment.

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