Tuesday, December 2, 2008


When we were done with all the weddings this weekend we went to this amazing art exhibit about recycled art. No it isn't art recycled into more art, it's ANYTHING that would be trash that is made to be art. Look carefully at the picture and guess what it might be. Not plastic old toy butterflies like I thought at first... it's aluminum cans cut in the shape and size of butterflies. Look at the bigger shape of it too. It was a really inspiring exhibit!
After we got home later that evening I picked up a art/toy magazine and flipped through it. The only thing that I really looked at was this really funny looking doll, it was entitled Dada. Well not knowing what it meant I went to the encyclopedia to find out. It is really cool if you're me. It was an art form developed in the middle of world war I (1916) that artists all over Europe fled to Switzerland (a neutral country) so that they could continue with their art. In the words of The New Book Of Knowledge," They created work that was anti-war, anti-modern life, and indeed, anti-art. this group called their art dada because the word had nothing to do with anything-it was pure nonsense."
Anyone that knows me knows that I am all about modern and abstract art. I have always been enthralled and overjoyed by anything art and always will be. Ever wonder who first put lip and chin hair on the Mona Lisa? It wasn't some high school kid trying to make his art project more interesting it was Marcel Duchamp from the Dada movement. There is just so much to learn and a whole life time to learn it in!

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