Sunday, August 31, 2008

I have been

Working myself almost none stop with babysitting/maid work all week! other then that some school here and there. I am not going to bore you with that sort of chatter, though. I will tell you about my adventure! Are you ready?
For those who have driven with me will say that I am a good driver,even (not quoted exactly,Sarah) a 'PANSY' when it comes to the road and it's rules. I find that I owe other drivers and my passengers a safe drive! I can now say on the little tag things that I get in emails that I have been stopped by police officer this year. Yes. I said it. I couldn't stop thinking as I saw the lights behind me," was I speeding? I know that I was trying to get around that person because they were driving at odd speeds but was I really going that much over that I will get a ticket?!!? I won't be able to drive if the insurance goes up! " I was thinking this and many other thoughts like it.
I think that the cop was a bit surprised when I told him the window didn't roll down and the back door opened... I have a really cool car(no sarcasm in there at all)! It's name is Junker. I was asked if I knew why I was pulled over, when I answered no he told me that he had been following me since the square and my lights weren't on! I then check to see if they were working properly and it just ended up that I hadn't turned the nobbie all the way and they were on hazard.I was asked twice if I had been drinking and was asked jokingly if I was a BRAT after he saw my Air Force ID(which I might add is expired). At the end of this the police officer was joking with me though I was still really shaky, that just made him ask if I had done anything wrong or I was just really nerves? "Just nerves."
I think that that is the smallest voice I have ever heard come out of me!

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