Sunday, February 6, 2011

In this new land I live in, there is no such thing as happy smiles. No matter where you go you will find a sad expression and a growl. Why is this?! I think that only at church have I seen a smile and a welcoming expression. Even then, there is some forlornness in their eyes. Sometimes I feel like I am being sucked into the towns depression. Being someone that has lived in the same state for almost of my whole life, this is still new to me.
Yesterday I had a very funny thought. What if someone from here moved to my little home town? They would think we were all on drugs! No seriously, they would think that they had moved to a town that had lost their marbles some where along the way. There are always smiles and funny things happening. And my town is a small little nothing in the middle of the pretty much no where. But because of that the people who live there know how to entertain themselves.
What could make this place so sad? Any ideas?!
Only three more days...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm sorry

I was not aware until a day or so ago that my posts were being put up on Facebook! I think I changed stuff around so that won't happen anymore. I don't mind people reading my post, but I don't want it posted all over a public page that is viewed by a lot of people.

With that said! I feel the need to say sorry to anyone I have hurt in anyway, shape, or form. I just became aware of a friend that felt I had been doing things on purpose to hurt others. That is not the case, but now there is nothing I can do but hope that this individual and others will remember what kind of person I am, and that that will stand to rectify the misunderstandings.

There are things I don't understand about girls. Though I am one, I also didn't go to high school. I also only have ever had one or two friends in the past that were girls. No I am not kidding. The only way I knew about the high school drama was through other people. Eventually I was involved in a little myself, which made all the more aware of my gratitude to my Mum for not public schooling me. I know that there are advantages and losses to ever form of schooling, and I know that Home Schooling was the best choice for me.
There is little more I can say on the matters above but hope that they are taken the right way.