Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why do we Collect them?

Last semester we were told to look at this painting by Edward Hopper, and take inspiration from it. I loved this exercise. We only did it once but I have done it on my own a few times since. I thought I would share it.

My train arrives at 6:15 and I am leaving New York forever. Have you ever heard the phrase,
“ You’ll collect more bees with honey than you will with vinegar.”? My grandmother has told me that since I was quite young. Why do we want to collect these bees though?
Thinking you know something is admitting ignorance. I had all I wanted yet there is nothing I want more than my freedom, and that thing we call ignorance. I had the husband of high standard, the house, and the social life sticky of people who pretend they care. My miscarriage is what made me really see what was being woven around me.
Affairs, illegal trades and secrets. Secrets, that I helped make and keep. I had what most people would call an emotional break down. I call it my wake up call. I cut my hair and am dressed so that no one will recognize me. Even though there is only one person here other than myself. I feel as though there are a thousand tiny eyes watching my every move.
So yes I leave husbandless and with little money in my shallow pockets. My absence will go unnoticed for a little while and when the questions start arousing I will be no where they can find me.
Yes I say this with the slightest of smiles. I have please everyone other than myself and this is where I start. That and thinking for myself. No more will I collect these God forsaken bees! Because now I am the queen. One with no subjects and no home. Oh where will my hive be?

This helped get me my finally grade, because it showed that I could use original voice and metaphor on the spot that was completely original. we only had about 7 minutes to do it. I read this the other day and just made me think about the metaphor I was trying to should here. Why do we feel like we need to please others, and do what in the end hurts us? That isn't what is meant to happen in our lives. It wasn't what was planned for us, and we shouldn't make it what our lifes are. we have a purpose. we shouldn't waste it. I hope you enjoy it.


Chloboat said...

This reminded me of something you said:
"I don't know why it's a state. It looks like a little rash." -Chaiya Wilson, Fall 2010

Definitely made me laugh. I hope you're doing well; I'm a little jealous of your ability to leave AZ. I don't know when I'll be able to tear myself away.

RichInHeart said...

This painting looks familiar! I remember this quick write of yours. I was blow away, I loved the imagery and the voice. I so wish you'd shared more things in class, your writing always left me curious for more.

Its a life time's lesson to learn how to be okay with ourselves, free in that we don't need to apologize or pacify or please the people around us. I have to re-learn this lesson time and again, but its worth those precious moments where I feel exactly with where I am, and who I am and what I am.

megan said...

You're alive!! yay!! you survived the trip! I hope everyone has settled in...tell everyone hi!!