Saturday, June 2, 2007

The way my mind works!

Is it normal to have more then one voice talking at the same time in your head?
I know that these voice don't mean to intrude but when I want to think they just
feel the need to interrupt!
Makes you feel like your at a family reunion all the time!
I don't think that half of them are speaking English either, because one has a Strong
Italian voice and another I know is speaking Russian of some sort!
The thing is that I understand them all.

Did I mention that when I was thinking this I was trying to be my mother?
Yes, I was trying to do six different things at the same time.
  • Talk to Laina
  • Make Mac-n-cheese
  • Wash my bloody hand
  • Keep the paper towel in my nose(it was bleeding)
  • Listen to Indy
  • And get things out of the Microwave that was to hot for my hand!

Can you tell that the voice come when I want them the least?

Also. The Wendy's up near Target has hotter servers then that Italian restaurant!

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